January 26, 2009

Spring's Blossoms

A beauty stands beside the road,
As Ugyel and I are coming.
Eyes of angel, hair jet black
Caressing those fair cheeks,
Swished gently in the breeze.

“Stop!” I say to Ugyel, “Stop,
Let me admire this beautiful girl.”
We being in speed, the car screams past,
He applies the brakes, it holds fast,

And we stop some distance by.

A look in the mirror, “ I know her,”
Says Ugyel, “She’s my neighbor.”
“A neighbor so beautiful” I remark.
“Spring’s blossoms,” he says,
“Never eternal are they – never perennial.”

Two beautiful girls sat beside the road, watching us pass by.
We stop, and stare at their beauty.

Spring’s blossoms… never eternal is their beauty.

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