September 3, 2016

I am still a Child

'Wake up Dawa! It’s time for school'. I hear my Apa's loud shout from the altar-room.  Lazily I open my eyes and espy the wall clock. A mixture of soft chants and incense follow my gaze. It’s 7:30 am.

Holy shit! I throw aside the blanket and jump off the bed, dashing towards the washroom.

'Put on your chappal ' he calls out.

'Ok...okay' I mutter and close the door. 

I brush my teeth in swift strokes, and splash water over my eyes. My eyes seem puffy from watching TV too late in the night. Hurriedly I wash my face and dry it, vigorously rubbing the towel all over my head.

I step outside. Apa is at the kitchen door. He has a cup of tea for me.

'Your eyes are puffy….again you slept late?' he accuses me.

'A bit late…I suppose' I admit sheepishly.

He points at the wall clock, 'See?... It’s already late. Dress up quickly'

After a quick dab of face-cream and hair-cream, I search for my stocking and shoes. Grabbing my gho off the hook behind the door, I dash towards the dressing-mirror, and in a flick and a swish, I am done.

'Don’t forget your books' he points to my English textbook and The Giver lying on the table. I hurriedly pack them inside my bag along with the pens. Everything else is already there. I gulp my tea and dash towards the door.

'ApaI'm off to school'. I can hear the warning gong from school. I’ve just five minutes to make it there.

'Come home for lunch. I’ll cook something delicious' says Apa.

'Sure' and I'm out of the door, walking briskly towards school


'Good morning Sir' I am greeted with smiles as I enter the school compound.

'Good morning.....' I smile back.

'Kuzuzangpo' I greet my colleagues. 

Some even offer me a slight chalem from afar. I acknowledge their greetings and reach my office as the loud bell rings, heralding the start of the school day.

Vice Principal flashes the signboard above the door to my office.

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