November 6, 2011

Helen of Drukyul

There is a Helen among our midst,
A Helen of Drukyul (not Sparta).
Her beauty outshines everyone,
Grace outclasses all.

Across the Aegean of Bhutan,
He comes. Paris.
He comes sailing, one day,
And lifts her off her feet.
His strength and her beauty,
His bravery and her grace,
They’re an instant match.

Drukyul rejoices
On seeing Helen and Paris together.
Wherever they travel, people sing
“This is a match fixed by the Gods”.

And the Gods shed tears in heaven,
Tears of ecstasy,
‘Coz, they haven’t lent their hand.
“It was destined. This is destiny.
They are meant to be.”

(Dedicated to the Royal couple on their Royal wedding)

Gyaltsuen Jetsun Pema

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